Read the rules

Your post will be deleted, and your membership may be cancelled, if you don't follow these rules.


In order to make scanning the group easier, please respect the formatting and do not post about items other than home sharing:
Here is the format:
"HOUSING OFFERED OR WANTED // LOCATION // DATES // PRICE RANGE (This should be in bold and all caps). Followed by a description/message to please include any other helpful details... e.g. Traveling with my family, looking to host a dinner party, etc.

Exception: We allow car sharing requests from time to time. Same formatting applies.

2. Use YesNomads Only for Yourself

Please do not use YesNomads on someone's else's behalf. If someone awesome wants to use it, please add them to the group! If that person is not on Facebook, please reach out directly to the admins for post approval. 

3. Homesharing with Friends

YesNomads is for homesharing between friends. If you post about anything else, it will be deleted. 

4. Respect the one strike policy

We expect kindness, respect for one another's homes, and respect for each other to be a give-in. If you are reported as displaying anything less than kind, legal, and respectful behavior, you will be permanently removed from the group.

5. 21+

You are only allowed to join the group if you are over 21 years of age.